Ina te mahi, he rangatira. In 1909 the group was joined by James Carroll and became known as the Young Mori Party.[10]. This story concerns two chiefs. Nau mai, Haere mai ki tnei pae tukutuku! Who can reach a star in the sky so it shall fall below. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Ka mate whare tahi, ka ora whare rua. Ngati Kahungunu. From this union followed what has been described as a "bewildering" series of intermarriages between the families of Ruapani and Kahungunu. Said of an able chief whose influence keeps his tribe together, so that their enemies are finally enclosed and taken, as fish in a net. Mere Whaanga, 'Ngti Kahungunu', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 19 January 2023), Story by Mere Whaanga, published 8 Feb 2005, updated 3 Mar 2017. [3] After his brother was killed in a skirmish at nearby Waimarama, Te Heuheu abandoned his siege of Roto-a-Tara and raided the p at Waimarama instead. Physical Address: 3-5 Bridge Street, Wairoa, Email Address:, State Highway 2 Wairoa (last marae on main road), Nuhaka State Highway 2 on the way to Morere Hot Springs, Ngti Iwikatea, Ngi Tauira, Ngti Pehi, Ngti Rua, Ngti Pakoko, Ngi Te Kapuamatotoru, 2022 by Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. Ko koutou hai pou m tku kupenga. Follow after Rehua so that you may eat. For the first time this week, we had our J16 and Intermediate teams racing alongside the taitamariki (6-10 years) racing in our first . 1419. 2133. In 1897 they formed the Te Aute College Students' Association and became active participants in public life, often mediating between the Crown and hap in matters of local land management. Local Authorities: Hawke's Bay Regional Council, Wairoa District Council. When one chief falls another rises. Rehua the Antares star is used as a metaphor in the pepeha for chief. Rohe: Wairoa ki Wairarapa. This describes a well organized tribe in which the old reliable chiefs are in the center providing advise and support for the young warriors manning the outer defenses. He ika paewai anake hei tomo I roto I te hnaki. The chiefs dense cultivation is properly planted but not that of the commoner, which is neglected. Kahungunus many descendants the people of Ngti Kahungunu also formed strategic marriages, creating a network of alliances from Gisborne to the Wairarapa. 352. The family therefore adopted the name Awatere. A fish eats upwards from below. ACCESSIBILITY| 1868. Follow after Rehua so that you may eat. M wai e rou ake te whet o te rangi, ka tata kei raro. All text licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand Licence unless otherwise stated. 2492. For it is certain that in a very old tree the sapwood is on the outside and the heartwood stands firm. The honour the host by their visit but severely reduce food stores. The chiefs dense cultivation is properly planted but not that of the commoner, which is neglected. There is a discrepancy as to whether the whare was named after Hikawera the Father of Te Whatuiapiti, or Hikawera Tuarua, Nukanoas half brother. His father was European. Te ope o te rua Matariki. The old ablution block was a small makeshift tin shed with a dirt floor. This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Ppwai village in the Wairarapa became a centre for teaching tribal history, and the site of the Mori parliament. Pepeha Moumoukai te maunga, tu mai ra t e whakaruruhau, te whare krero. [24] It was relaunched in 1990 as Radio Kahungunu 2XT, sharing the 765 AM frequency with Hawke's Bay's Racing Radio and Radio Pacific. LINKS, NgtiHingnga(TeAitangaoPourangahua), 24PomanaPRoad(MatarauaRoad), Nhaka, Taihape-NapierRoad(nearWherewhereRoad), Moawhango, 5703AMasterton-CastlepointRoad, Castlepoint. Radio Kahungunu Live. He had a great pa, known as Popoia pa on the western bank of the Waipaoa River at Waituhi. "This strategy has been guided by Leon Blake and Pania Papa, and it aligns with Ngti Kahungunu's needs and aspirations.". Ngati Whatua proverb to remind them about their migrations. Ruapani was the paramount chief of the Turanganui tribes. The importance and significance of kite-making and kite flying to the Iwi of Turanganui a Kiwa are obvious when the genealogies and history are looked at. Tahupotiki was informed of his brother's death by a messenger kite flying high above the hill Pukehapopo at Whangara Mai Tawhiti. This item has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. 1998Ng huruhuru o ku waewae. Napier has a well established Maori history. However, existing hap (sub-tribes) maintained distinct identities, and later Ngti Kahungunu descendants claimed kinship links with them as well. This information is available on the. The legend of the seven whales of Ngai Tahu Matawhaiti. It was also the most decorated New Zealand battalion of the war. This is one of the expressions used to explain the absence of food sources when eminent visitors approach the settlement. Welcome on the broad back of daylight! Environment. In general terms it suggests a task is too great to accomplish. The marae is located beside Pah Road, facing north-east. Who can reach (or scrape) with a crooked stick the stars of heaven that they should fall below? 1/3. 298. M whero, m pngo, ka oti te mahi By chiefs and commoners the work is finished. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Waiho noa iho nga taonga; tena te mana o Taiwhanake. He mhiti ki runga, he paepaeroa ki raro, koia nei te kkahu o te rangatira. Postal Address:PO Box 132,Masterton 5840. Of the many hap to emerge in Heretaunga, Ngi Te Whatu-i-piti and Ngi Te Upokoiri were two of the most dominant. The tribe originates from the Tkitimu canoe, sailed from Hawaiki by Tamatea Arikinui. The Wairoa Taiwhenua building is based on Bridge Street, Wairoa. Iwi Aquaculture Organisation in the Mori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004. He married several times during his travels, and as a result there are many North Island hap that trace their lineage directly back to Kahungunu. Chiefs of thetitokiyear! Nobility evidences itself. If the hole inside Mohoaonui is emptied, the others will crumble completely. 890-1. You will surely understand. Meaning: Bad for both sidesthe visitors and visitedto have only excuses for food. Whakatauk and Pepeha Haere mai Nau mai Haere mai, kuhu mai ki ng hh o Ruawehea. With one house, want; with two houses, plenty. Rakaipaaka remained in Nhaka, where he remains the eponymous ancestor of the Ngti Rakaipaaka hap of that area. The wealthy political leader Tamahau Mahupuku held grand gatherings there, and would travel to town accompanied by a brass band. 2313. All non-text content is subject to specific conditions. Tangi-ko married Matahina and Te Rtahi was born. He and fellow Ngti Kahungunu chief Tiakitai forged an alliance with Te Wera Hauraki, a chief from Ngpuhi who had settled on the Mhia Peninsula. Ko Koura-Ki-Te-Pakanga Kaiwai raua ko Mate-Huatahi Ngata oku tipuna matua. Some large canoes consisted of two or three sections, whose joining required considerable skill. General Nature Of Wahi Tapu. stream Toku Pepeha . Ngti Kahu is a Mori iwi of Northland, New Zealand. What a day to be at lake Karpiro! When the Ngati Kahungunu party of Taraia reached the district, now known as Napier, the Whatumamoa, Rangitane and the Ngati Awa and elements of the Ngati Tara existed in the areas of Petane, Te Whanganui-a-Orotu and Waiohiki. Later the Ngati Kahungunu became the dominant force from . The metaphor te ringa whero, red hands was applied to the chief, as in the saying quoted. From this famous love match came a line of prominent figures in the tribes history. They saying contrasts one who cannot be trusted with one who can. The iwi Ngti Kahungunu and Ngti Rongomaiwahine both descend from this marriage. The saying, therefore, compares a chief with great mana who, because of his elevated status and influence, has many supporters, with one of somewhat less status. It was during their stay one year that Matariki was burnt beyond repair. The New Zealand pigeon is a silent bird; the parrot is a noisy screamer. The grasp o the common person, what is its advantage. - 6\-8`#/lC{zh>ue Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand Licence. In 1868 the Eastern Mori electorate was established in the New Zealand Parliament to provide parliamentary representation for Mori in the east of the North Island, an area encompassing Ngti Kahungunu. It is situated directly to the left after crossing the bridge over Te Wairoa-hpp-hnengenenge-matangi-rau River. Metaphor for a chief. Warahoe is a hap of Ngti Awa. Te kkihi whakairoiro o te moana. Rakaihikuroa led a migration of his families and followers from Nukutaurua on the Mhia Peninsula to Heretaunga, the region known today as Hawke's Bay. Many others can be found in the rich and colourful history of Iwi Maori and Turanganui A Kiwa. The loss of land during this period led to the emergence of the Repudiation Movement, a coalition of Ngti Kahungunu leaders who sought to halt the rapidity of land loss in the region, and to dispute past sales.[8]. Ko Ngti Hinemanu me Ngi Te Upokoiri Ng hap. The person will only entertain import people. This might be said by a chief of his tribe and followers. 440. All non-text content is subject to specific conditions. Koia nei te krero n te mngai m te Mana Taiao Tairwhiti, n Rawinia Olsen-Kingi. This information was taken froma Hap Management Report submitted by Lester White to the marae at a Korongata Marae Committee Meeting in 2007 and the Whakapapa information was extracted from a Ngati Poporo Hapu Development Plan put together by Kevin Tamati, Richard Waerea andTatiana Greening. Ngti Kahungunu trace their origins to the Tkitimu waka. He meant that without the proper garments in which to appear in public, he could not speak. Matariki were taken to be the eyes of the illustrious chiefs. But if, indeed, it were burnt by fire, that would be bad; as it is, however, merely wet with a little water,just spread it in the sun, and it is dry again in no time! When Eat-by-night is angry, Eat-by-day leaves. Billboard jpeg. He maire twao, m te toki e tua. During his life he married nine women, and his courtship of the beautiful Rongomaiwahine at Mhia Peninsula is legendary. PEPEHA. 900. The karaka referred to here is the univalve mollusk Cookia sulcta. 1365. A chief accompanied by a large group of his followers is bet. The sleeping place of the well born is fragrant but that of the common person stinks. As clouds deck the heaven, so feathers adorn the bird. If the leader is caught, the whole cluster of molluscs will be caught. The marriage of Kiwa's son Kahutuanui to Paoa's daughter Hine Akua was a significant event in that it interlaced the bloodlines of these two founding ancestors of whom Ruapani is eighth in descent. Ka mahi te hukuroa I na mahi. Ruapani had three wives who between them gave him numerous children including sets of twins and triplets. According to one account, Kahungunu was the great-grandson of Tamatea and was born in present-day Kaitaia. Kore e tika kia haere ko te rae anake. Not long after their arrival in Heretaunga, Taraia succeeded Rakaihikuroa as the leader of their people, and he proved to be a proficient strategist in the struggle for dominance of the region, displacing the Whatumamoa, Rangitane, Ngti Awa, and elements of the Ngti Tara iwi, which lived in Petane, Te Whanganui-a-Orotu and Waiohiki. See how he does a leader indeed. In the lifetime of Kiripas son there were garments of red kk feathers and garments of dogskin. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. 555. 1801. A chief will be a friend in disaster and will not forsake you. In fighting continued between the direct descendants of Ruapani and Kahungunu Groups migrated into and out of Turanganui A Kiwa as a result of fighting, exile, overcrowding and power struggles typical to the development of societies. Rongo the patron of the arts was closely associated with manutukuku. Colenso suggests it is also applies to the allying of a weak or impoverished tribe. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, He pukepuke maunga, e pikitia e te tangata; he pukepuke moana, e ekeina e te waka; he pukepuke tangata, ekore e pikitia e te tangata. Today Karpiro really turned it on! While NKII is the mandated iwi organisation (MIO) in charge of iwi development and overseeing the fisheries settlement it received in 2004, Ngti Kahungunu have settled their Treaty settlements of historical grievances on a hapu basis. This metaphor comes from a lament of Te Heuheu (II) Tkino for his brother Ppaka who was killed at Haowhenua. These six taiwhenua are provided for ease of navigation on Te Khui Mngai. A man who starts a waiata on the marae wants assurance that there are people to sing with him. Ngti Kahu take their name from their founding ancestress, Kahutianui, and link their ancestry back to the waka Mmaru. Whaling stations were set up on tribal land in the 1830s, and Ngti Kahungunu began farming and market gardening. The white crane eats leisurely, after viewing his food and his own shadow in the still water. 734. The torch that licks up oil. They constructed a causeway enabling them to make the crossing from the shore of the lake to Te Roto-a-Tara p. The Wairoa Taiwhenua building is based on Bridge Street, Wairoa. He visited Ruapani and married one of his daughters. Kahungunu is an industrious man who knows how to lead work on land and at sea. I have no contribution to give; that is the sign of a noble descent. Kahungunu's many descendants - the people of Ngti Kahungunu - also formed strategic marriages, creating a network of alliances from Gisborne to the Wairarapa. Te whakangungu nei ki ng tara-a-whai o rai-te-uru. Ko Ngati Porou te Iwi. 751. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> At Mhia, Kahungunu married high-born Rongomaiwahine, having cleverly disposed of her husband. Applied to a chiefs child, on his snatching food, or anything, from the hands of aged persons. Ngai Tahu Matawhaiti both descend from this famous love match came a line prominent... As in the tribes history of twins and triplets was born in present-day Kaitaia of. Claims settlement Act 2004 automated spam submissions 24PomanaPRoad ( MatarauaRoad ), 24PomanaPRoad MatarauaRoad! Not forsake you, te whare krero claimed kinship links with them as.! Saying quoted { zh > ue Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand pigeon is a noisy screamer mngai... Sleeping place of the Waipaoa River at Waituhi, Masterton 5840 field is private... 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