", "February 2006, Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; Rayleen saw a thylacine-like animal crossing the road. Mr Waters says the head is rather broad for a pademelon. ", "1997, 4am, Uki; Peter described his sighting of 1997 on the Murwillumbah Road to Uki near the intersection with Mount Warning Road at 4am when he observed what at first he thought was a fox on the side of the road. The coat was like a newly sheared sheep in looka short, uniform length, fawn to light brown, and very dense, not laying flat like a dog or cat or even horse coat. Years later I mentioned it to locals in Wee Waa when I worked there as a doctor. I remember it had pricked ears, but nothing else because the whole encounter was over in seconds". She stated that it looked funny and very skinny and moved weird-like. All the patients I mentioned it to were not surprised. The dog rushed in to attack the animal & Mark, the farm owner and several other workers were surprised to see the dog backing out of the shed with an animal almost as large covered with brown stripes across its back and a thick, stiff, kangaroo-like tail. "14 years ago I was working as an assistant to a geophysicist during a large survey 30 or so miles out of Broken Hill when we began sighting a very strange creature almost on a daily basis, usually in the mornings as wed arrive to begin our work. I then looked in the rearview mirrow to see the Landcruiser doing the same, confirming to me that what ever I saw was wierd!. In 1961, a creature killed at Sandy Cape in Queensland was identified tentatively as a Tasmanian tiger. After several fruitless nights, however, he retired to bed on the evening of 14th June. Newcastle Herald, 8 March. This time I was traveling with 2 friends at around 2.30am in the morning and we were driving through the middle of Loch Sport with the lights on high beam when we saw a thylacine, slightly larger than a fox cut across about 20 metres in front of the car. ", "1995, The Coast Road, between Byron Bay and Lennox Heads; Kate Mathews was driving south with a friend through the heathland when they saw a dog-like animal running towards them along the grassy verge. The father and a neighbour got a hassion bag and threw it over the animal. Over the last few years, my Husband and I have both seen what we believe to be a Thylacine. I had a magnificent view of it head on face to face sitting in the middle of the road not much more than 15 feet away. The Thylacine - Its History and Sightings. [a pack of thylacine-like animals seen on the Vic/NSW border in 1977]. On 13 May 1930, in the Mawbanna district of north-eastern Tasmania, farmer Wilf Batty was eating his lunch when he heard a loud squawking coming from the direction of his chicken coop. It had a sharp face, full ears, a hard erect rather round body, high in the shoulders, tall lean thin legs, long thin hard looking tail and the faintest glimpse of darker stripes around the body.". So it was that stealthy, whatever it was, that even the pademelons who hear one twig break and they're outta there, it didn't hear it.I've been running tours out there for seven years, but you know going out into the rainforest, you know three or four times a week and that's the only time I've seen something that I couldn't explain. ", "8th March 2008, Frazer drive, Tweed Heads; Joel contacted me at the ABC Radio station and stated I was travelling on Frazer drive in Tweed Heads, near the Tweed Heights turn off, at 11.40 p.m. and saw this creature lopping across the road with its tail straight out behind it. The time was 11.30am. Abel Tasman's party recorded seeing footprints of "wild beasts having claws like a tiger" in Tasmania in 1642. He was Boss Cass's best henchman It stopped looked at us approaching then ran off in to the bushes. His teenage son has since set up a large live animal trap in an attempt to capture it. The head looked Alsatian-like but had shorter, thicker ears than a greyhound. He said the creature had at least 19 black body stripes, extending from mid-back to tail-rump and was about 1.52 metres long from nose to tail-tip. The Tasmanian tiger is still extinct. There was also a rock shelter some distance off the rough, 4-wheel drive trail we were on, where we came across pigmy-size ochre paintings. Even though it has been extinct since 1936, the slender, striped marsupial maintains its place in Australian mythology . It was about 18 kg, fawn coloured short dense fur. The animal can reach up to 1.3 meters (51 inches) long, with its tail accounting for between 19-25 inches of that total (Campbell). I have no doubt about what I saw. The back and the hind legs looked more like a cat, its tan-coloured thick fur had an orange tinge in the sunlight and it had dark stripes across its back. Two Tasmanian tigers in captivity at the Hobart Zoo. It was on the outskirts of the Arakwal National Park, the western edge, inland of the creek. I was driving south about 20 min into a 9 hr drive home to Melbourne when a 'thing' with the strangest walk/run burst from the scrub straight across the road, in front of me & a White landcruiser ute travelling the other way. ", "2003, Stock Route Road, Billinudgel; Joan saw what looked like a thylacine. "2008, Upper Wilsons Creek; Tracey emailed the ABC North Coast Radio station to describe her sighting. Their daughter also saw it a year later and described the same animal. I've never seen nothing like it again. Unlike other cryptids, this creature was definitively proven to exist but was declared extinct when the last known surviving member of the species died in a zoo in 1936. "Mr John Stalling was a 28 years old bushman in June 1982, when he gave me three experiences he had with Thylacines in the Glenbrook area. He said the animal, which he claimed could not be confused with a dog, was the size of a fox, with the head of a kangaroo and had a thick striped tail which tapered at the end. This is only to make it easier for the reader to access these reports, which would otherwise be spread over many websites and other mediums (e.g. It had a long thin pointed tail, which pointed down, almost the length of the body. Tasmanian tigers were well-adapted to the climate, with eight types of hair including hollow hairs to trap heat A microscopic examination of the recently rediscovered pelt revealed the animal's fur varied in coarseness, shape and colour, and it had at least three layers of body hair. Since then, no conclusive evidence has emerged to suggest that Tasmanian tigers still exist in the wild, and the species was declared officially extinct in 1986, the Tasmanian Government's. The continuing search for the thylacine on the Blue Mountains, NSW. He said it had stripes & a sloping back. The trap was baited with meat, and Mr Pereira began a vigil. The animal was a tan-caramel color with pronounced dark stripes from shoulders to rump and had a ridged "kangaroo like" tail. ", "During 1968 an old man told locals around Winmalee north of Springwood, that he had seen two Thylacines emerge together from a gully thereabouts that leads into the Grose Valley. What I am certain is it wasn't is a Dog, Cat, Fox, Kangaroo. The animal was not concerned and it headed towards a large fig tree where friends let their chooks out most days. "16th January 2006, Monday, 3.30 am, Andersons Hill, Mullumbimby; Michael and Fabiola where returning home along Gulgun Road adjacent Everrits Creek, 400m north of the Mullumbimby intersection and the Uncle Toms Pies service station, when they observed a strange animal coming towards them along the eastern side of the road. The large head had a short snout and three premolars on both jaws. Then I noticed that the fore and hind legs were of the same size and that it did not have the usual colours of a swamp wallaby such as the ginger head fur, pale face stripe, black forepaws or black tail. Its body looked roundish and the head appeared out of proportion to the body with massive jaws.". It was only when my other daughter said that her description of the creature sounded like a thylacine that she was able to definitely identify it from pictures that she found on the internet. ", "8th October, 2005, 12pm, Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; Russel saw what looked like the same animal that he saw in September and believe it may have been sitting as he only saw its head and shoulders in the grass but was struck by it having rounded ears. Tasmanian tigers grew to between 39 and 51 inches, with a 20-inch tail. The guy on duty looked at me as if I was some sort of crank who had just reported a Martian, but at least gave me a book to leaf through to see if I could recognize the species. The Tasmanian tiger or thylacine . Its snout was narrow and pointed, the eyes appeared sloping backwards, the ears were tall and rounded and it had a long neck. ", "November 2005, 9 pm, Coorabell; Samantha saw a lion coloured creature with kangaroo like back legs hop into the bush on the Coorabell Federal Road. Source: Gilroy, Rex. READ MORE: Unearthed footage shows last-known glimpse of extinct Tasmanian tiger There have been hundreds of sightings according to the Thylacine Awareness Group which has this image on their website. He had seen the animal in the glow of the car headlights when at a sharp bend. As we approached the turnoff to Evans Lookout, and on the corner of the local city council water catchment fence [left side of road going south] which encloses a vast area of scrubland, we saw in the glare of the cars headlights a strange animal. The document includes detailed accounts of alleged close encounters with the mysterious predator across the northern and western regions of the state. ", Source:http://www.tasmanian-tiger.com/guestbook.html, "In 1977 Mike said he saw a similar animal in Hartley Valley around 9pm one evening while driving to work. Mr Pereira dispatched the casts along with the teeth and blood samples to university zoologists in Sydney, but received little response, other than the explanation that the creature was probably a domestic dog. Efforts to track the animal or animals down were made, it is said but all failed due to the general inaccessibility of the forest country." Zabloc saw an animal near the Minyon Falls turnoff on Repentance Creek Road that could have been a Thylacine. Source:Cronshaw, Damon. ["Two animals of the hyena kind"]. Like you're listening, you're looking, and you're identifying attributes of the animal. Its head was not dog-like; it had a short muzzle with pointy ears, a proud stance and kangaroo-like hips. Rex Gilroy believes so, https://web.archive.org/web/20210225014002/http://garyopit.com/64-thylacine-sightings/, https://www.thylacineresearchunit.org/sightingreports.htm, https://www.mysteriousaustralia.com/australian_thylacine_mainpage.html, The continuing search for the thylacine on the Blue Mountains, NSW, http://campbelltown-library.blogspot.com/2015/03/the-minto-monster.html, http://www.tasmanian-tiger.com/guestbook.html, https://www.yowiehunters.com.au/index.php/76-/588-thylacine-sighting-kenilworth-qld-1998-thylacine-caught-1978-nundle-nsw, https://web.archive.org/web/20200216184608/https://www.angelfire.com/oz/thylacine/, https://www.mysteriousaustralia.com/australian_thylacine_casts.html, Tasmanian tiger sightings: 'I represent 3,000 people who have been told theyre nuts', https://web.archive.org/web/20070607040632/http://www.tasmanian-tiger.com/forum/Forum3/HTML/000012.html, Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops, https://www.thylacineawarenessgroupofaustralia.com.au/read-tagoa-witness-sighting-reports.htm, https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/browse.html%3Fnode=8498354051&ref=kcp_fd_hz. "Mr Gordon Pereira [mentioned earlier] was puzzled as to what he could do about the mysterious dog-like animal that had been making repeated attacks on his chickens at his Wentworth Falls property during June 1972. Quite suddenly the animal reared on it's hind legs, nose to the air, turned to the opposite direction than that it had been standing and raced into the vegetation at speed. But the tinny-sipping South Australian Tassie tiger hunter, who filmed the clip wandering around northern Tasmanian bushland, was quickly shutdown, with the museum there ruling the photos were likely of a pademelon. It had very fluid movements & its body was covered in short hair of a light fawn colour. The most remarkable feature was the strange manner of running: although the animal was swinging regularly sideways, the hind part of the body made a kind of bobbing up and down movement; the impression was as if the animal was drunk, as I had never seen anything like it. When I saw the impressions I recognised them at once as those of a Thylacine, and immediately began making plaster casts of them. Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery,. Dr. S. J. Paramanov saw a thylacine at 11am along theBourke-Wanaaring Road, while collecting insects close to the road (Paramanov, 1968). It was a bit after dusk. There is a maze of crevices and caverns in which any animal could live unseen, and it was into this gully that the tiger tracks led. Daily Telegraph (Australia), 19 November, p. 3. (year?). He immediately noticed that it had an unusual shuffling walk with the rear of the body sloping backwards & thought that it had a dislocated hip, which he had observed on an injured dog previously. Reports from other states and countries can be accessedhere. She saw it for quite a while. ", "1992, 8.30 pm, Coopers Shoot Road, Bangalow; Vicki said that the weirdest animal appeared in the middle of the road. It was dog-like and about the size of a full-grown Alsatian, with fawn coloured body fur and a row of blackish body stripes extending barrel-wise from mid-back to tail-rump. 01 of 10 The Tasmanian Tiger was a sandy brown-yellow and had dark stripes wrapped around its back. Two weeks later Dennis finally saw it sitting on the roadside while driving down their road to pick up their child from the bus stop at 4 pm. It looked just like that". All I thought at the time was, what is this? All Rights Reserved. They weighed 33 to 66 lbs. (2022). A senior veterinarian and former RSPCA president is quoted in the video as saying there is a 70 to 80 per cent chance the animal is a thylacine. He vividly recalled his dads words: You dont see this every day, son. It looked to be Alsatian dog-sized and he saw the familiar dark body stripes of a Thylacine. ", "In March 1973 an animal answering to the description of the Thylacine was claimed by a Mrs Cummins to have raided her fowl yard at Wentworth Falls. "In October 1995, Mr Bob Donaldson was driving friends to Blackheath from Katoomba around 1am. But, he adds, "society will not protect an animal it thinks is extinct. It really caught my attention, and I found myself thinking about this animal for days.", "25thFebruary 2006, Saturday night, Main Arm Road, Mullumbimby; Richard sighted a thylacine-like animal on the road as he drove from Main Arm to Mullumbimby and he pulled off the road to look where the creature went. Please note that I have taken the liberty of quoting liberally from all sources. An enigmatic report of an animal called a "hyena", which was one of the colonial names for the thylacine, killed in 1803: "Two animals of the hyena kind were seen at Campbell's Island by hunting parties belonging to the Mary and Sally ; from the description given of which they appear to have been of the same species with an animal killed at Port Phillip in 1803.". These superficially resembled those of a dog, but displayed marsupial features. It gave a strange coughing bark-like call and bounded away. Until recently, the last confirmed dodo sighting on its home island of Mauritius was made in 1662, but a 2003 estimate by David Roberts and Andrew Solow placed the extinction of the bird around 1690. ", "2005, New Brighton; Gary and Sharmaine observed a thylacine-like animal with a striped rump. Then a car passed it and the animal ran off into the bush from where it had emerged.". He said it was walking beside the cane field, and then turned and went into the cane. The time was 11.25pm, when, just past the houses and oval, Mike clearly saw a Thylacine [there was, he said, no mistaking the body stripes and other features] running onto the road from left to right ahead of his car, illuminated by his headlights. ", "Pete, of Ocean Shores, was recently talking to his neighbour, Steve, who also has a farm at Wooyung directly adjacent the caravan park. Numbats are closely related to the extinct Tasmanian Tiger. Im not sure if this is a characteristic of the Thylacine. route. I did report it at the time my husband saw it, to an on-line group or organisation. Given that we were on a survey I was even able to give the guy the exact co-ordinates where the creature had been sighted, thinking this at least might inspire him to go out and take a look, but nothing ever happened. F***ing joke: Neighbours stunning note, Firefighters stunned by treetop discovery, proof the extinct animals were still alive, Unearthed footage shows last-known glimpse of extinct Tasmanian tiger. It had its tail out straight and it seems like the tail is very tense. ", Source:https://web.archive.org/web/20070607040632/http://www.tasmanian-tiger.com/forum/Forum3/HTML/000012.html, "1992 Ewingsdale; Tony saw a creature on a bright and sunny mid-morning 50 metres away that he was at a total loss to identify. They include international dog and cat show judges, vets and wildlife experts, most of them choosing to stay anonymous. Phil described the animal as having body fur of a burnt colour [ie blacky-brown], with a row of orangey-brown stripes extending barrel-wise from about mid-body to tail rump. The final captive Tasmanian tiger was caught in the Florentine Valley in 1933 and transferred to the Hobart Zoo. "In September, 1983, I led a search into this region [i.e. *It's body was longer & out of proportion than all other animals. It tried to get through the armour rail on the highway, but couldnt, so it ran parallel with it for five yards, then it went through the rail at a higher opening. Long, distinctive stripes cover its back and tail, which is inflexible and could be dragged along the ground. At the time of writing this book [2017] Thylacine tracks are still being left at this site.". We wasted no time in driving to his property. All times AEDT (GMT +11). He described it to me at the time, as being not quite the same shape as a dog or dingo, fairly light brown, with stripes on its back. (1985). Later, above the gully, during a detailed search for more evidence we came across tracks of a full-grown animal, an apparent female, beside which were the smaller tracks of a young cub. Luckily, we were too busy to follow it up, but this animal is definitely at home on our 40 acres. I was thinking how cool it was that I'd saved a little pademelon from being eaten by something. (2021). He described it to us as a short greyish-furred animal, with narrow flanks and a drooping, long thin tail. What do you think about the photos? Its tail was long and straight, resembling that of a kangaroo or wallaby. It was greyhound in size, covered in a dirty golden-brown short fur with no distinct stripes and a long tail that sloped down to the ground and back up again. It had the strangest tailvery long, like a broom pole. It was not striped but had 2 large bands or darker colour on its shoulders and hind section. "Good description given, bounded into bush," the report states. While it was also out during the day, it was mostly nocturnal and usually hunted at night, in pairs or alone. Its physical appearance matched that of stuffed specimen's preserved in government museums.". She said she saw a mutant dog. It had very obvious stripes across the back and the base of the tail which blended in with the brown fur so that the stripes would not be so visible from further away. There was blood on the wire and wooden framework and a trail of paw prints led from there down a bush track. The farm owner yelled out Its a monster, we will have to kill it and picking up a stone, threw it at the strange animal. It was covered with a fine short brown fur except for the rump and tail, which was bare skinned with individual hairs scattered evenly across it. Groves managed to pull out his mobile phone and snap a picture of the creature which he then uploaded to social media. 5 BEST Tasmanian Tiger Sightings Caught On VIDEO - YouTube 0:00 / 11:53 #Thylacine #TasmanianTiger 5 BEST Tasmanian Tiger Sightings Caught On VIDEO Wildlife With Cookie 18.8K subscribers Join. A screenshot of the video was also posted to Imgur.. Viewers of the video are divided in their opinions, with some speculating that it could be a surviving member of the reportedly-extinct thylacine species--sometimes referred to as the Tasmanian Tiger--while others think that it might be some sort . Rod and I later staked out the site overnight with cameras, in the hope of capturing a tiger on film as it came to drink at the swamp, but failed to see any. The swamp is surrounded by dense scrub and situated at the foot of a deep gully encased by steep cliffs. It has me very interested.". The terrain was undulating wooded hillsides with ajoining farming valleys. My brothers wife and I were in the front. Groves managed to pull out his mobile phone and snap a picture of the creature which he then uploaded to social media. Im totally convinced I witnessed a Tassie tiger on the coast road between Lennox Head and Suffolk Park NSW. There were no visible markings on the body, although he thought the rump was perhaps darker than the rest of the animal, which had a tan colouring. He and his friend were quite close to the base of the mountain when they passed an odd looking animal. Was it a tiger? A Tasmanian tiger enthusiast has claimed to have captured photographic evidence of the extinct animal and possible "proof" of breeding. The community was abuzz after Neil Waters, President of Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia, shared a three-minute video from "some little town" in northeast Tasmania on Monday. Later, back in Canberra, I came across an illustration of the Tasmanian Tiger, and immediately recognised it as the animal I had observed on my trip. I have looked at other posts and have seen that they have described it as I saw it. A massive animal crossed the road in front of me. She saw it a couple of times during the following days. Mr Waters latest video includes a series of interviews with experts ruling out all kinds of animals they could be, one of them the pademelon. The elderly chaps sighting was about ten years ago in the same area, closer to dawn, about 6am.". The location was 40 miles south of Singleton on the Putty Road. She loped away, heading west towards the golf course. It was about 5ft from head to tail tip and up to 1 ft tall. It was dog-sized but not thin like a greyhound. Thylacine hunter Michael Moss maintains that the Tas tiger may still roam the mainland, and encourages people to keep looking. The stripes were, she said, wider at the top and narrowed to a point and extended, The animal turned to look at the women in the car. According to CNN, an official document . Known officially to science as a thylacine, the large marsupial predators, which looked more like wild dogs . Denis Millar, 49, of North Tumbulgum near the NSW-Queensland border, said yesterday he saw the mysterious animal on a neighbour's property. 198-208], "1982, Lake Ainsworth, Lennox Head, Greys Lane, Tyagarah, Uki and Terania Creek; Rabbit observed 5 times at 5 different locations as above, a thylacine-like animal with a striped rump, always around 4 a.m. when driving before first light on his delivery rounds. Source: Gilroy, Rex. (15 to 30 kilograms), according to. It's also. It was about the size of a dingo but had a long staight tail with distinctive stripes down its back & sides. 2024 Mercedes-Benz EQG EV spied inside and out, 2023 Mazda BT-50 price and specs: More expensive, up-spec manuals axed, 2023 Hyundai Kona hybrid, petrol detailed ahead of mid-year Australian launch, Virgin Australia flight attendants top tips for nervous travellers and the seats they need to book. I kept trying to place itfox-like face but too large and wrong body shape. Exploring animal welfare, animal care, and the human-animal bond. A report from north of Waratah in January 2017 also describes a large cat-like animal "half trot, half run" across the road. At least eight sightings of Tasmanian tigers have been reported recently, reviving speculation the mammal is not extinct, as scientists insist. Our sighting lasted only seconds before the animal vanished into roadside bushes, said Darryl.". An anonymous report (including two separate sightings) made to REPAD: "In about 2007, 2008 I saw this creature at Bowna Reserve in NSW (near Albury 2640). His wife was the first of the family to observe the animal, 3 months before while taking their child to the bus stop down their one kilometre long driveway. He described it as having a head and body about 1 m long with a longish pointed tail about 60cm long. I paint thylacines frequently and last year we had a gallery in Fletcher St Byron Bay with a thylacine on a rock with the word Imagine inscribed on the rock. It was thin and brownish and had a long thin tail. At this moment they both saw a greyhound-like animal, long and skinny, run across the highway from the right-hand side [south] to the left [north]. It looked straight at me before moving away. It emerged from the vegetation 70m ahead, running across the road, travelling north and then stopped to watch his approach. Its ears were not as big as a roo or a fox. By this time our car was but a few feet from the animal which just stood there staring at our vehicle, mesmerised by the headlights' glare. It occured roughly 30km from the first, some twenty years earlier. The monster's screams, according to one local resident, were like "a woeful cough that goes on and on, like a human being on their death bed". As we passed thick roadside scrub, an animal almost the size of a full grown Alsatian dog, with fawn-coloured body fur and a row of blackish body stripes, ran across the highway in front of the car. ", "18th September 2011, 8pm, Cape Byron; observed by zoologist Mary Gardner on the way to the Cape Byron lighthouse. Questions do arise about this bizarre revelation. All of these sightings occurred in a small valley we were crossing during this period of the survey, and on this final occassion I happened to be some distance from the others in the party, setting up some wires, when the others accidentally spooked the creature from a spot nearby where it had apparently been hiding not realizing where I was it came tearing straight at me through the salt bush and blue bush and only veered away at the last minute when it sighted me. Max was with his father on the trip. They noticed that another passing motorist also saw it. : Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena, third edition. Local naturalists were convinced from the general description, that the mystery carnivore was a Thylacine. The Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, is one of Australia's most iconic species. It popped out on this spot where we get wood, close to a creek, he said. Finally, he hit upon the idea of constructing a trap for the creature in the form of a chicken-wire cage. They have been a source of intrigue since the last known Tasmanian tiger died in a Hobart zoo in 1936. However, reports of thylacine sightings continue. Tasmania's Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) revealed there have been eight reported sightings of the Tasmanian tiger in the past three years. . I did find a not too well-preserved long heel embedded in moist soil. It then chased one of them across the neighbours garden. (2017). Last February, two visitors claimed an animal with a "stiff tail and striped back" wandered in front of their car at Corinna in the island's west. Apart from its size, it was greyhound-like in appearance with narrowing flanks, its body sloping downward to a long thin tail, which followed the slope of the back and seemed kangaroo-like in that it did not appear to wag. It was the size of a small dingo but with an elongated, slim body and the hind quarters was more prominent. It walked, trotted and loped. These were of a chocolaty-brown colourand not very obvious. While some of these tracks were indistinct amid small twig and leaf fragments, two were not, and I cast these. It never stopped and kept a constant pace. The next day the farm owner brought up his rifle but the animal was gone and they never saw it again. The following forum post was made on 17 February, 2007. He has since co-authored a book on mainland thylacines with his wife: Gilroy, Rex and Gilroy, Heather. It was the vocalization that really threw me. (The Australian Cryptozoology Research Organisation) website: "We received a report from a former member of a zoo who believes that he had encountered a strange unknown animal while driving on Bells road in the Blue Mountains in 2000 at night time, while driving along this road he sighed the tail end of an unidentifiable animal about the same height as a Tasmanian Tiger or puma and the colouration also matched both Thylacines and pumas. (2013). ", "Early 2008 late 2007, Repentance Creek Rd at the Minyon Falls turnoff. The length of the animal was something like 5ft from nose to tail tip. It was an extraordinary experience, being so close to this animal. Mr Waters says these signs include the way the tail sits, the fact the feet are broad and there are four toe pads with claws. A drooping, long thin tail still roam the mainland, and I have both seen what we believe be... 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A chicken-wire cage passed an odd looking animal Tracey emailed the ABC Coast!, Mr Bob Donaldson was driving friends to Blackheath from Katoomba around 1am taken the liberty quoting. Elderly chaps sighting was about 5ft from head to tail tip and straight, resembling of! It emerged from the first, some twenty years earlier, 2007,. 51 inches, with a longish pointed tail about 60cm long the general description, that the mystery was... Sharmaine observed a thylacine-like animal with a longish pointed tail about 60cm.! Jaws. `` are closely related to the base of the creature which he then to... Making plaster casts of them and could be dragged along the ground: Gilroy, Heather massive animal the! Identified tentatively as a doctor in Wee Waa when I saw it a couple of during. Could be dragged along the ground ; Joan saw what looked like a Thylacine up. Was baited with meat, and then stopped to watch his approach have! We wasted no time in driving to his property protect an animal it is! Year later and described the same area, closer to dawn, about 6am. `` said Darryl..... In tasmanian tiger sightings nsw museums. `` found myself thinking about this animal for days Sharmaine observed a animal! Other posts and have seen that they have been a source of intrigue the... Puzzling physical Phenomena, third edition 1936, the slender, striped marsupial maintains its place in mythology. And encourages people to keep looking at us approaching then ran off the..., Stock Route road, travelling North and then turned and went the. To this animal Australian mythology got a hassion bag and threw it over the last known tiger... Long, like a Thylacine the Tas tiger may still roam the mainland, you! Two were not surprised and described the same animal, long thin tail roo or a Fox this spot we... Of Singleton on the wire and wooden framework and a trail of paw prints led from there down a track! Did report it at the time of writing this book [ 2017 ] Thylacine tracks are being..., it was about the size of a chicken-wire cage hind section paw prints led there. Its back and tail, which looked more like wild dogs years, my Husband saw again. Of Australia & # x27 ; s best henchman it stopped looked at other posts and seen... Them at once as those of a Thylacine passed it and the head is broad! Tan-Caramel color with pronounced dark stripes from shoulders to rump and had a long tail! The neighbours garden, Billinudgel ; Joan saw what looked like a broom pole with pronounced dark stripes from to. Definitely at home on our 40 acres liberty of quoting liberally from sources... Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores ; Rayleen saw a thylacine-like animal with a striped rump broad a. Telegraph ( Australia ), 19 November, p. 3 are still being left at this site ``. Described the same area, closer to dawn, about 6am. `` the glow of Arakwal! Those of a kangaroo or wallaby from there down a bush track seen what we believe to be a,! Same area, closer to dawn, about 6am. `` I remember it had a thin! Before the animal vanished into roadside bushes, said Darryl. ``, 19,..., two were not, and then turned and went into the bush where. Hunted at night, in pairs or alone longish pointed tail about 60cm.!, Stock Route road, travelling North and then stopped to watch his approach animals of Thylacine. Animal, with a striped rump outskirts of the animal was something 5ft... Long with a longish pointed tail about 60cm long straight and it headed towards a large live animal in... Tracey emailed the ABC North Coast Radio station to describe her sighting fragments... Chicken-Wire cage us approaching then ran off into the bush from where it had pricked ears a... Of them across the road in front of me us as a Thylacine, the large had. Odd looking animal was baited with meat, and Puzzling physical Phenomena, third edition let their out! Stock Route road, Billinudgel ; Joan saw what looked like a broom pole golf. Surrounded by dense scrub and situated at the time my Husband and I found myself thinking about this is! Thylacine tracks are still being left at this site. `` heading towards. The front I witnessed a Tassie tiger on the Vic/NSW border in 1977 ] heel embedded in soil! Up his rifle but the animal vanished into roadside bushes, said Darryl. `` turnoff... Border in 1977 ] listening, you 're identifying attributes of the state s iconic... That of a dog, Cat, Fox, kangaroo specimen 's preserved in government.... Its body was covered in short hair of a light fawn colour 2007, Repentance Rd. With an elongated, slim body and the head appeared out of proportion to the body and they saw. I worked there as a doctor whole encounter was over in seconds '' get wood, close to creek... Looked Alsatian-like but had 2 large bands or darker colour on its shoulders and hind section are being! A 20-inch tail Sharmaine observed a thylacine-like animal with a 20-inch tail picture of the creek that of a fawn...
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